7th tradition

The Seventh Tradition reminds us of the importance of self-support within A.A. It is an opportunity to express gratitude for the blessings of recovery and a commitment to sharing A.A.’s message with those still suffering. Your contributions directly support the vital Twelfth Step work of our office.

By contributing, you not only help ensure the survival of our Fellowship but also deepen your own engagement in recovery. Every contribution—no matter the size—plays a critical role in sustaining the work of A.A. and keeping its doors open for all who seek help.

In accordance with the Seventh Tradition, which calls for A.A. to be fully self-supporting and to decline outside contributions, contributions are only accepted from members of Alcoholics Anonymous. When you contribute to the A.A. Buffalo Central Office, you affirm that you are an A.A. member.

Make a Contribution

You can choose to make a one-time contribution or set up a monthly contribution in the steps that follow. To proceed, please verify below that you are a member of A.A. and not a robot.