Update Meeting details Use this from to update meeting details. To update meeting contacts go to the Update Meeting Contacts form. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Todays Date *This form should be submitted by a contact for the meeting listed with the Central Office, submissions by others may need further validationSubmitters Name *Submitters Email *Effective Date *Submitters Phone Number *Required Meeting Information (used to verify entry to modify):Current Group Name *Current Meeting Day(s) – Choose all that apply * SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayCurrent Meeting Start Time *Is this to change Covid-19 shutdown status? * Yes – Re-opening from Covid-19 shutdownYes – Closing temporarily due to Covid-19NoIs there a Zoom or other online meeting associated with this meeting? * NoYes – remove it from the scheduleYes – and it will still meetAre there any special notes or conditions related to Covid-19? *Will there be an Online meeting taking it's place? Yes – Online info in notesYes – it already is in the scheduleNoNotes for replacement online meeting***For all entries below please only enter what needs to be changed, leave other fields blank. For Meeting Types or Days choose all that apply, both old and new choices. For online meeting ID/Passcode/Phone/URL changes use the Additional Meeting Notes field ***Change Group NameChange Attendance Option Move from In-Person to Online OnlyMove from Online to In-Person OnlyMake Hybrid by adding an Online MeetingMake Hybrid by adding an In-Person MeetingMake InactiveUse to change attendance options for your meeting. For adding In-Person you must fill in the address below. To add Online put the connection information in the Additional Notes field. Make inactive is used for Covid-19 restrictions, seasonal meetings etc.Change Name of Meeting LocationChange Location NotesChange Street AddressChange CityChange Zip CodeChange Meeting Day(s) – Choose all that apply * SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayChange Meeting Start TimeMeeting End Time – If applicable (optional)Change Meeting Type – Choose all that apply OpenClosedMixed (Men & Women)WomenMenLGBTQLesbianGayBig Book12 Step & 12 TraditionStepSpeakerDiscussionChild Care ProvidedChild Friendly (children must be attended by parent during meeting)Wheelchair AccessibleSmoking AllowedEspanolAdditional Meeting Notes – Free FormAre you adding or changing Digital Basket informatiomn? YesNo***Please Note: Digital basket accounts are strictly the responsibility of the individual group. The Central Committee/Office does not handle accounts or money for individual groups. You may use any or all of the 3 options below. Please be sure you are using the correct account information for your groups Digital Basket Further validation may be required to verify this is a change by the group.***VenmoSquare CashPayPalNameSubmit