The Central Office of Western New York publishes the New Frontiers newsletter every month. It is made possible through your subscriptions and contributions to the Central Office.
New Frontiers shares the experiences and insights of Alcoholics Anonymous members on the disease of alcoholism. Please note that the opinions expressed in the newsletter are those of the individual contributors and do not represent Alcoholics Anonymous as a whole. Additionally, the publication of any article does not imply endorsement by the Central Office of Western New York or Alcoholics Anonymous.
Exceptions to this policy include quotations from Alcoholics Anonymous, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, and other A.A. literature, which are reprinted with permission from A.A. World Services, Inc. Articles reprinted with permission from The A.A. Grapevine are subject to GRAPEVINE copyright.
We need your experience, strength and hope! New submissions can be sent to the Central Office, or uploaded here.
New Frontiers Information and Guidelines page
Looking Back At 2024
2025 (The current month is pre-viewed)